Much of the emphasis is instructional but, as a certification program, a significant portion of the agenda is assessment and skills evaluation. The certification issued to the successful candidates is a sanctioned standard and will assist the candidates in leading club hikes, and finding work in Provincial Parks, Youth Camps, Scouts and Guides.
To be eligible to take this course and, thereby become a Youth Hike Leader, students must have a good knowledge of natural resources in Ontario and present a letter of reference and/or recommendation from a recognized authority. (i.e. a certified Hike Leader, a teacher, youth group leader, a hiking club, provincial park or conservation authority etc.).
It is highly preferred that participants have completed the Safe Hiking Program before enrolling in the Hike Leader Certification Program.
Course Topics:
Risk Management, Leadership, Trail Guides, Maps, Outdoor Techniques, Environmental Appreciation, Hike Planning.
Methods of assessment include requiring the participants to model and demonstrate the appropriate actions of a hike leader.
Courses are held by Hike Ontario, Hiking Clubs, University and College Outdoor Education Departments.
Length: 7 hours.
Cost: $30.00
Note:This Certification can be upgraded to a Standard Hike Leader on leading 10 short hikes in a Provincial Park or Conservation area, plus 5 trail hikes of 10 km or more, or leading 10 trail hikes of 10 km or more.